The Local Government has finally adopted the draft land expropriation for the construction of the Third Round link with the motorway at Ace AC-14 Lonza, known As link frogs. The budget for the expropriation is of 3,386,259.91 euros, representing an increase of EUR 1,665,695.65 initially approved budget. With the approval of the project, the local government fulfills its commitment to putting up of this vital infrastructure for the mobility of the city and its region and the construction of which corresponds to the Xunta de Galicia.
In today's meeting, the Board of Governors has agreed to agree to legal and technical reports that address the allegations made to the initial approval of the draft expropriation of the third round link with the AC-14 on Highway As Lonza, conducted by the joint assessment process are incorporated into the record.
The project has finally adopted a budget of € 3,386,259.91. (Which is an increase of € 1,665,695.65 on the original approved budget amounting to € 1,730,564.26)
is recognized owners of land expropriated in this file that are included in the scope of the SUD-8 sector, under the revised plan PGOM, the power reach mutual agreement on the procedure of expropriation, according to the provisions of art. 24 of the Expropriation Act, which will lead to the employment and payment records, consisting of the replacement price of such land for the reservation of urban land use resulting from the general planning process.
Fulfilling the legal requirements, the agreement must be notified legally bind all parties concerned, within 15 days, are eligible for mutual agreement and then calls on all to raise the employment and payment records of the plots.
Project Data Summary:
• Total area: 37,631.66 m2
• Unit price of rural land for "labradÃo", 22.5 € / m2s and urban land 202.32 € / m2s
• Total value of land expropriation excluding 5% of prize condition: € 853,131.92
• Value of items excluding 5% of prize condition is: € 2,222,032.88. Included nine plots with buildings for residential use. (The houses affected are 13)
• Total value of the record including the 5% condition prize: € 3,386,259.91
most significant changes compared to original approved record can be summarized as following:
• There are changes in the configuration of some parcels as topographic maps submitted by the pleader, creating two new parcels.
• Based on the titles provided and cadastral data are changes in entitlements and verified the existence of conflicting titles and property dispute.
• At the request of the holders is incorporated into the record as uneconomic remnants of surface of some plots.
• be placed in the file, at the request of the owners of buildings that were partially affected plots with total area of \u200b\u200bthe plot.
• In the plot no. 64 were excluded from the expropriation dossier construction area on the record was initially approved affected only the surface expropriating necessary for the placement of an element of maintenance to roads and establishing a right of flight over a strip of land 101.70 m2.
• Change the value of buildings and elements of the majority of the parcels, joining the list of goods new elements resulting in a total amount of € 2,222,032.88 which will be increased by 5% Award condition.
• Based on the submissions will adjust the valuation of rural land unit increase at 22.50 € / m2.
• Based on the reports of the Department of Planning the case is reversed the southern part of the plot as 39.40 and 41 at the script.
• Incorporated in case the compensation for termination of tenancy rights.
• The maximum total area contained in the record of 34,998.96 m2 originally approved on the basis of the submissions has increased by 2632.7 m2, representing a total area of \u200b\u200b37,631.66 m2 da expropriate.
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